“pandas is a fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation tool, built on top of the Python programming language.” https://pandas.pydata.org/
Source: Department of Education College Scorecard
Simplified dataset for this exercise: https://calvin-data-science.github.io/data202/data/college_scorecard.csv
colleges = pd.read_csv("https://calvin-data-science.github.io/data202/data/college_scorecard.csv")
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 6694 entries, 0 to 6693
Data columns (total 5 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 name 6694 non-null object
1 city 6694 non-null object
2 state 6694 non-null object
3 online_only 6189 non-null float64
4 undergrads 5902 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(2), object(3)
memory usage: 261.6+ KB
name | city | state | online_only | undergrads | |
0 | Alabama A & M University | Normal | AL | 0.0 | 5271.0 |
1 | University of Alabama... | Birmingham | AL | 0.0 | 13328.0 |
2 | Amridge University | Montgomery | AL | 1.0 | 365.0 |
3 | University of Alabama... | Huntsville | AL | 0.0 | 7785.0 |
4 | Alabama State University | Montgomery | AL | 0.0 | 3750.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
6689 | Georgia Military Coll... | Eastman | GA | NaN | NaN |
6690 | American College of B... | Florence | KY | NaN | NaN |
6691 | HCI College - Fort La... | Fort Lauderdale | FL | NaN | NaN |
6692 | ABC Adult School - Ca... | Cerritos | CA | NaN | NaN |
6693 | Urban Barber College ... | San Jose | CA | NaN | NaN |
6694 rows × 5 columns
= locate by integer index
0 5271.0
1 13328.0
2 365.0
3 7785.0
4 3750.0
6689 NaN
6690 NaN
6691 NaN
6692 NaN
6693 NaN
Name: undergrads, Length: 6694, dtype: float64
colleges["online_only"] = colleges["online_only"] == 1.0
colleges["is_small"] = colleges["undergrads"] < 10000
name | city | state | online_only | undergrads | is_small | |
0 | Alabama A & M University | Normal | AL | False | 5271.0 | True |
1 | University of Alabama... | Birmingham | AL | False | 13328.0 | False |
2 | Amridge University | Montgomery | AL | True | 365.0 | True |
3 | University of Alabama... | Huntsville | AL | False | 7785.0 | True |
4 | Alabama State University | Montgomery | AL | False | 3750.0 | True |
What data type is is_small
name | city | state | online_only | undergrads | is_small | |
0 | Alabama A & M University | Normal | AL | False | 5271.0 | True |
2 | Amridge University | Montgomery | AL | True | 365.0 | True |
3 | University of Alabama... | Huntsville | AL | False | 7785.0 | True |
4 | Alabama State University | Montgomery | AL | False | 3750.0 | True |
6 | Central Alabama Commu... | Alexander City | AL | False | 1201.0 | True |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
6184 | Educational Technical... | Lares | PR | False | 81.0 | True |
6185 | Fortis College-Landover | Landover | MD | False | 625.0 | True |
6186 | Stautzenberger Colleg... | Rockford | IL | False | 472.0 | True |
6187 | WellSpring School of ... | Wichita | KS | False | 38.0 | True |
6188 | Access Careers-Islandia | Islandia | NY | False | 63.0 | True |
5520 rows × 6 columns
name | city | state | online_only | undergrads | is_small | |
0 | Alabama A & M University | Normal | AL | False | 5271.0 | True |
2 | Amridge University | Montgomery | AL | True | 365.0 | True |
3 | University of Alabama... | Huntsville | AL | False | 7785.0 | True |
4 | Alabama State University | Montgomery | AL | False | 3750.0 | True |
6 | Central Alabama Commu... | Alexander City | AL | False | 1201.0 | True |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
6184 | Educational Technical... | Lares | PR | False | 81.0 | True |
6185 | Fortis College-Landover | Landover | MD | False | 625.0 | True |
6186 | Stautzenberger Colleg... | Rockford | IL | False | 472.0 | True |
6187 | WellSpring School of ... | Wichita | KS | False | 38.0 | True |
6188 | Access Careers-Islandia | Islandia | NY | False | 63.0 | True |
5520 rows × 6 columns
methodname | city | state | online_only | undergrads | is_small | |
0 | Alabama A & M University | Normal | AL | False | 5271.0 | True |
2 | Amridge University | Montgomery | AL | True | 365.0 | True |
3 | University of Alabama... | Huntsville | AL | False | 7785.0 | True |
4 | Alabama State University | Montgomery | AL | False | 3750.0 | True |
6 | Central Alabama Commu... | Alexander City | AL | False | 1201.0 | True |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
6184 | Educational Technical... | Lares | PR | False | 81.0 | True |
6185 | Fortis College-Landover | Landover | MD | False | 625.0 | True |
6186 | Stautzenberger Colleg... | Rockford | IL | False | 472.0 | True |
6187 | WellSpring School of ... | Wichita | KS | False | 38.0 | True |
6188 | Access Careers-Islandia | Islandia | NY | False | 63.0 | True |
5520 rows × 6 columns
name | city | state | online_only | undergrads | is_small | |
0 | Alabama A & M University | Normal | AL | False | 5271.0 | True |
2 | Amridge University | Montgomery | AL | True | 365.0 | True |
3 | University of Alabama... | Huntsville | AL | False | 7785.0 | True |
4 | Alabama State University | Montgomery | AL | False | 3750.0 | True |
6 | Central Alabama Commu... | Alexander City | AL | False | 1201.0 | True |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
6184 | Educational Technical... | Lares | PR | False | 81.0 | True |
6185 | Fortis College-Landover | Landover | MD | False | 625.0 | True |
6186 | Stautzenberger Colleg... | Rockford | IL | False | 472.0 | True |
6187 | WellSpring School of ... | Wichita | KS | False | 38.0 | True |
6188 | Access Careers-Islandia | Islandia | NY | False | 63.0 | True |
5520 rows × 6 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 6694 entries, 0 to 6693
Data columns (total 6 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 name 6694 non-null object
1 city 6694 non-null object
2 state 6694 non-null object
3 online_only 6694 non-null bool
4 undergrads 5902 non-null float64
5 is_small 6694 non-null bool
dtypes: bool(2), float64(1), object(3)
memory usage: 222.4+ KB
name | city | state | online_only | undergrads | is_small | |
1065 | West Michigan College... | Kalamazoo | MI | False | 56.0 | True |
1531 | Adrian College | Adrian | MI | False | 1727.0 | True |
1532 | Albion College | Albion | MI | False | 1451.0 | True |
1533 | Hillsdale Beauty College | Hillsdale | MI | False | 22.0 | True |
1534 | Northwestern Technolo... | Southfield | MI | False | 1000.0 | True |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
6346 | Davenport University ... | Clinton Township | MI | False | NaN | False |
6347 | Davenport University ... | Livonia | MI | False | NaN | False |
6348 | Davenport University ... | Detroit | MI | False | NaN | False |
6618 | L'esprit Academy - Ro... | Royal Oak | MI | False | NaN | False |
6640 | Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa C... | L'Anse | MI | False | NaN | False |
192 rows × 6 columns
alternative style:
name | city | state | online_only | undergrads | is_small | |
1065 | West Michigan College... | Kalamazoo | MI | False | 56.0 | True |
1531 | Adrian College | Adrian | MI | False | 1727.0 | True |
1532 | Albion College | Albion | MI | False | 1451.0 | True |
1533 | Hillsdale Beauty College | Hillsdale | MI | False | 22.0 | True |
1534 | Northwestern Technolo... | Southfield | MI | False | 1000.0 | True |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
6346 | Davenport University ... | Clinton Township | MI | False | NaN | False |
6347 | Davenport University ... | Livonia | MI | False | NaN | False |
6348 | Davenport University ... | Detroit | MI | False | NaN | False |
6618 | L'esprit Academy - Ro... | Royal Oak | MI | False | NaN | False |
6640 | Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa C... | L'Anse | MI | False | NaN | False |
192 rows × 6 columns
name | city | state | online_only | undergrads | is_small | |
1542 | Calvin University | Grand Rapids | MI | False | 3382.0 | True |
1543 | Calvin Theological Se... | Grand Rapids | MI | False | NaN | False |
alternative style:
Total number of undergrads in each state:
state | total_undergrads | |
5 | CA | 2256934.0 |
50 | TX | 1287654.0 |
39 | NY | 914704.0 |
10 | FL | 888334.0 |
43 | PA | 535743.0 |
40 | OH | 491978.0 |
17 | IL | 488680.0 |
4 | AZ | 454182.0 |
32 | NC | 433710.0 |
12 | GA | 422079.0 |
26 | MI | 416196.0 |
52 | VA | 395748.0 |
36 | NJ | 339620.0 |
22 | MA | 332261.0 |
18 | IN | 316037.0 |
51 | UT | 291101.0 |
6 | CO | 270335.0 |
23 | MD | 266875.0 |
49 | TN | 257396.0 |
55 | WA | 257173.0 |
56 | WI | 248426.0 |
28 | MO | 245277.0 |
27 | MN | 235812.0 |
1 | AL | 233872.0 |
47 | SC | 196690.0 |
21 | LA | 190803.0 |
42 | OR | 173710.0 |
20 | KY | 172354.0 |
44 | PR | 167645.0 |
41 | OK | 164129.0 |
7 | CT | 158636.0 |
15 | IA | 147794.0 |
19 | KS | 147272.0 |
35 | NH | 134509.0 |
30 | MS | 131455.0 |
2 | AR | 118326.0 |
57 | WV | 103472.0 |
38 | NV | 98145.0 |
16 | ID | 92240.0 |
34 | NE | 89930.0 |
37 | NM | 84696.0 |
46 | RI | 67738.0 |
8 | DC | 51925.0 |
24 | ME | 49911.0 |
9 | DE | 47011.0 |
14 | HI | 44035.0 |
31 | MT | 38086.0 |
33 | ND | 37780.0 |
48 | SD | 37398.0 |
54 | VT | 31605.0 |
58 | WY | 21175.0 |
0 | AK | 16390.0 |
13 | GU | 4739.0 |
11 | FM | 1900.0 |
53 | VI | 1744.0 |
29 | MP | 1228.0 |
3 | AS | 992.0 |
25 | MH | 985.0 |
45 | PW | 441.0 |
We’ll build up the code step-by-step. (The earlier steps will include code that we won’t usually write.)
for state, group in colleges.groupby("state"):
break # stop early, so we can see just the first group
name city state online_only undergrads \
56 University of Alaska ... Anchorage AK False 9257.0
57 Alaska Bible College Palmer AK False 30.0
58 University of Alaska ... Fairbanks AK False 4410.0
59 University of Alaska ... Juneau AK False 1156.0
60 Alaska Pacific Univer... Anchorage AK False 318.0
61 Alaska Vocational Tec... Seward AK False 631.0
63 Alaska Career College Anchorage AK False 361.0
4433 Ilisagvik College Barrow AK False 132.0
4589 Alaska Christian College Soldotna AK False 95.0
56 True
57 True
58 True
59 True
60 True
61 True
63 True
4433 True
4589 True
AK has 9
AL has 89
AR has 92
AS has 1
AZ has 114
CA has 693
CO has 101
CT has 79
DC has 25
DE has 21
FL has 378
FM has 1
GA has 175
GU has 3
HI has 21
IA has 80
ID has 38
IL has 258
IN has 139
KS has 80
KY has 90
LA has 121
MA has 156
MD has 85
ME has 38
MH has 1
MI has 192
MN has 112
MO has 158
MP has 1
MS has 59
MT has 32
NC has 179
ND has 26
NE has 42
NH has 37
NJ has 168
NM has 49
NV has 38
NY has 455
OH has 289
OK has 108
OR has 78
PA has 353
PR has 144
PW has 1
RI has 23
SC has 100
SD has 28
TN has 155
TX has 433
UT has 71
VA has 168
VI has 2
VT has 22
WA has 105
WI has 95
WV has 73
WY has 10
AK totals 16390.0
AL totals 233872.0
AR totals 118326.0
AS totals 992.0
AZ totals 454182.0
CA totals 2256934.0
CO totals 270335.0
CT totals 158636.0
DC totals 51925.0
DE totals 47011.0
FL totals 888334.0
FM totals 1900.0
GA totals 422079.0
GU totals 4739.0
HI totals 44035.0
IA totals 147794.0
ID totals 92240.0
IL totals 488680.0
IN totals 316037.0
KS totals 147272.0
KY totals 172354.0
LA totals 190803.0
MA totals 332261.0
MD totals 266875.0
ME totals 49911.0
MH totals 985.0
MI totals 416196.0
MN totals 235812.0
MO totals 245277.0
MP totals 1228.0
MS totals 131455.0
MT totals 38086.0
NC totals 433710.0
ND totals 37780.0
NE totals 89930.0
NH totals 134509.0
NJ totals 339620.0
NM totals 84696.0
NV totals 98145.0
NY totals 914704.0
OH totals 491978.0
OK totals 164129.0
OR totals 173710.0
PA totals 535743.0
PR totals 167645.0
PW totals 441.0
RI totals 67738.0
SC totals 196690.0
SD totals 37398.0
TN totals 257396.0
TX totals 1287654.0
UT totals 291101.0
VA totals 395748.0
VI totals 1744.0
VT totals 31605.0
WA totals 257173.0
WI totals 248426.0
WV totals 103472.0
WY totals 21175.0
This is the code you’ll typically write.
students_by_state = (
1 .groupby("state", as_index=False)
2 .agg(total_undergrads=('undergrads', 'sum'))
regate: compute a total_undergrads
column by (a) extracting the undergrads
column, and (b) sum
ming it
state | total_undergrads | |
0 | AK | 16390.0 |
1 | AL | 233872.0 |
2 | AR | 118326.0 |
3 | AS | 992.0 |
4 | AZ | 454182.0 |
5 | CA | 2256934.0 |
6 | CO | 270335.0 |
7 | CT | 158636.0 |
8 | DC | 51925.0 |
9 | DE | 47011.0 |
10 | FL | 888334.0 |
11 | FM | 1900.0 |
12 | GA | 422079.0 |
13 | GU | 4739.0 |
14 | HI | 44035.0 |
15 | IA | 147794.0 |
16 | ID | 92240.0 |
17 | IL | 488680.0 |
18 | IN | 316037.0 |
19 | KS | 147272.0 |
20 | KY | 172354.0 |
21 | LA | 190803.0 |
22 | MA | 332261.0 |
23 | MD | 266875.0 |
24 | ME | 49911.0 |
25 | MH | 985.0 |
26 | MI | 416196.0 |
27 | MN | 235812.0 |
28 | MO | 245277.0 |
29 | MP | 1228.0 |
30 | MS | 131455.0 |
31 | MT | 38086.0 |
32 | NC | 433710.0 |
33 | ND | 37780.0 |
34 | NE | 89930.0 |
35 | NH | 134509.0 |
36 | NJ | 339620.0 |
37 | NM | 84696.0 |
38 | NV | 98145.0 |
39 | NY | 914704.0 |
40 | OH | 491978.0 |
41 | OK | 164129.0 |
42 | OR | 173710.0 |
43 | PA | 535743.0 |
44 | PR | 167645.0 |
45 | PW | 441.0 |
46 | RI | 67738.0 |
47 | SC | 196690.0 |
48 | SD | 37398.0 |
49 | TN | 257396.0 |
50 | TX | 1287654.0 |
51 | UT | 291101.0 |
52 | VA | 395748.0 |
53 | VI | 1744.0 |
54 | VT | 31605.0 |
55 | WA | 257173.0 |
56 | WI | 248426.0 |
57 | WV | 103472.0 |
58 | WY | 21175.0 |
We’ll use a consistent pandas
style in this class.
, not df.col
with as_index=False
of groups, not value_counts
attribute on a groupby
has a different meaning from size
on a DataFrame
.Know the rules in order to know when to break them.
ing, an unusual concept
in all our groupby
, not Series
.Lazy method:
state | undergrads | |
0 | AK | 1821.111111 |
1 | AL | 2960.405063 |
2 | AR | 1425.614458 |
3 | AS | 992.000000 |
4 | AZ | 4587.696970 |
5 | CA | 3918.288194 |
6 | CO | 3037.471910 |
7 | CT | 2299.072464 |
8 | DC | 3054.411765 |
9 | DE | 2611.722222 |
10 | FL | 2767.395639 |
11 | FM | 1900.000000 |
12 | GA | 3014.850000 |
13 | GU | 1579.666667 |
14 | HI | 2201.750000 |
15 | IA | 1919.402597 |
16 | ID | 2492.972973 |
17 | IL | 2191.390135 |
18 | IN | 3068.320388 |
19 | KS | 1990.162162 |
20 | KY | 2076.554217 |
21 | LA | 1718.945946 |
22 | MA | 2339.866197 |
23 | MD | 3421.474359 |
24 | ME | 1426.028571 |
25 | MH | 985.000000 |
26 | MI | 2650.929936 |
27 | MN | 2591.340659 |
28 | MO | 1816.866667 |
29 | MP | 1228.000000 |
30 | MS | 2480.283019 |
31 | MT | 1269.533333 |
32 | NC | 2693.850932 |
33 | ND | 1453.076923 |
34 | NE | 2141.190476 |
35 | NH | 3956.147059 |
36 | NJ | 2135.974843 |
37 | NM | 1882.133333 |
38 | NV | 2726.250000 |
39 | NY | 2275.383085 |
40 | OH | 1842.614232 |
41 | OK | 1641.290000 |
42 | OR | 2285.657895 |
43 | PA | 1695.389241 |
44 | PR | 1279.732824 |
45 | PW | 441.000000 |
46 | RI | 3225.619048 |
47 | SC | 2114.946237 |
48 | SD | 1438.384615 |
49 | TN | 1812.647887 |
50 | TX | 3370.821990 |
51 | UT | 4410.621212 |
52 | VA | 2867.739130 |
53 | VI | 1744.000000 |
54 | VT | 1755.833333 |
55 | WA | 2678.885417 |
56 | WI | 2888.674419 |
57 | WV | 1457.352113 |
58 | WY | 2117.500000 |
Explicit method:
colleges.groupby("state", as_index=False).agg(
mean_undergrads=('undergrads', 'mean'),
max_undergrads=('undergrads', 'max')
state | mean_undergrads | max_undergrads | |
0 | AK | 1821.111111 | 9257.0 |
1 | AL | 2960.405063 | 31900.0 |
2 | AR | 1425.614458 | 22766.0 |
3 | AS | 992.000000 | 992.0 |
4 | AZ | 4587.696970 | 68833.0 |
5 | CA | 3918.288194 | 35087.0 |
6 | CO | 3037.471910 | 30630.0 |
7 | CT | 2299.072464 | 18585.0 |
8 | DC | 3054.411765 | 12031.0 |
9 | DE | 2611.722222 | 19047.0 |
10 | FL | 2767.395639 | 58940.0 |
11 | FM | 1900.000000 | 1900.0 |
12 | GA | 3014.850000 | 33439.0 |
13 | GU | 1579.666667 | 3169.0 |
14 | HI | 2201.750000 | 12255.0 |
15 | IA | 1919.402597 | 27930.0 |
16 | ID | 2492.972973 | 38672.0 |
17 | IL | 2191.390135 | 33080.0 |
18 | IN | 3068.320388 | 58978.0 |
19 | KS | 1990.162162 | 19003.0 |
20 | KY | 2076.554217 | 21864.0 |
21 | LA | 1718.945946 | 23706.0 |
22 | MA | 2339.866197 | 23907.0 |
23 | MD | 3421.474359 | 42888.0 |
24 | ME | 1426.028571 | 8832.0 |
25 | MH | 985.000000 | 985.0 |
26 | MI | 2650.929936 | 38950.0 |
27 | MN | 2591.340659 | 31367.0 |
28 | MO | 1816.866667 | 21933.0 |
29 | MP | 1228.000000 | 1228.0 |
30 | MS | 2480.283019 | 18388.0 |
31 | MT | 1269.533333 | 14402.0 |
32 | NC | 2693.850932 | 24239.0 |
33 | ND | 1453.076923 | 10579.0 |
34 | NE | 2141.190476 | 20252.0 |
35 | NH | 3956.147059 | 90196.0 |
36 | NJ | 2135.974843 | 35760.0 |
37 | NM | 1882.133333 | 18120.0 |
38 | NV | 2726.250000 | 30090.0 |
39 | NY | 2275.383085 | 26613.0 |
40 | OH | 1842.614232 | 45657.0 |
41 | OK | 1641.290000 | 21329.0 |
42 | OR | 2285.657895 | 25339.0 |
43 | PA | 1695.389241 | 74630.0 |
44 | PR | 1279.732824 | 12508.0 |
45 | PW | 441.000000 | 441.0 |
46 | RI | 3225.619048 | 13826.0 |
47 | SC | 2114.946237 | 27066.0 |
48 | SD | 1438.384615 | 9034.0 |
49 | TN | 1812.647887 | 23152.0 |
50 | TX | 3370.821990 | 55990.0 |
51 | UT | 4410.621212 | 98630.0 |
52 | VA | 2867.739130 | 46438.0 |
53 | VI | 1744.000000 | 1744.0 |
54 | VT | 1755.833333 | 10700.0 |
55 | WA | 2678.885417 | 30839.0 |
56 | WI | 2888.674419 | 31185.0 |
57 | WV | 1457.352113 | 35656.0 |
58 | WY | 2117.500000 | 9646.0 |
Preferred to value_counts
, not a Series
state | size | |
0 | AK | 9 |
1 | AL | 89 |
2 | AR | 92 |
3 | AS | 1 |
4 | AZ | 114 |
5 | CA | 693 |
6 | CO | 101 |
7 | CT | 79 |
8 | DC | 25 |
9 | DE | 21 |
10 | FL | 378 |
11 | FM | 1 |
12 | GA | 175 |
13 | GU | 3 |
14 | HI | 21 |
15 | IA | 80 |
16 | ID | 38 |
17 | IL | 258 |
18 | IN | 139 |
19 | KS | 80 |
20 | KY | 90 |
21 | LA | 121 |
22 | MA | 156 |
23 | MD | 85 |
24 | ME | 38 |
25 | MH | 1 |
26 | MI | 192 |
27 | MN | 112 |
28 | MO | 158 |
29 | MP | 1 |
30 | MS | 59 |
31 | MT | 32 |
32 | NC | 179 |
33 | ND | 26 |
34 | NE | 42 |
35 | NH | 37 |
36 | NJ | 168 |
37 | NM | 49 |
38 | NV | 38 |
39 | NY | 455 |
40 | OH | 289 |
41 | OK | 108 |
42 | OR | 78 |
43 | PA | 353 |
44 | PR | 144 |
45 | PW | 1 |
46 | RI | 23 |
47 | SC | 100 |
48 | SD | 28 |
49 | TN | 155 |
50 | TX | 433 |
51 | UT | 71 |
52 | VA | 168 |
53 | VI | 2 |
54 | VT | 22 |
55 | WA | 105 |
56 | WI | 95 |
57 | WV | 73 |
58 | WY | 10 |
Compare with value_counts
CA 693
NY 455
TX 433
FL 378
PA 353
OH 289
IL 258
MI 192
NC 179
GA 175
VA 168
NJ 168
MO 158
MA 156
TN 155
PR 144
IN 139
LA 121
AZ 114
MN 112
OK 108
WA 105
CO 101
SC 100
WI 95
AR 92
KY 90
AL 89
MD 85
IA 80
KS 80
CT 79
OR 78
WV 73
UT 71
MS 59
NM 49
NE 42
NV 38
ME 38
ID 38
NH 37
MT 32
SD 28
ND 26
DC 25
RI 23
VT 22
HI 21
DE 21
WY 10
AK 9
GU 3
VI 2
AS 1
MP 1
FM 1
PW 1
MH 1
Name: state, dtype: int64
Make a table of the average (mean
) number of undergrads
broken down by online_only