15.1 Interpreting and Explaining

High-Stakes Applications

  • healthcare
    • Why does it say I’m at high risk for heart disease?
    • Why did my insurance company deny my claim?
  • criminal justice (e.g., ProPublica COMPAS))
    • Why was this defendant denied bail?
    • Why target this neighborhood for increased policing?
  • finance
    • Why was my loan application denied?
    • Why was my transaction flagged as fraudulent?
  • hiring
    • Why was my job application rejected?
    • Why was I not promoted?


  • Explaining black-box models
    • Feature importance (permutaton)
    • Global explanations (partial dependence)
    • Local explanations (SHAP, LIME)
  • Interpretable models
    • Decision rule lists
    • Additive risk score models

Interpretability vs Explainability

  • Interpretability: can we understand how the model works?
  • Explainability: can we explain why the model made a particular prediction?

Explaining Black-Box Models

Black-box model: a model that is difficult to interpret (e.g., random forest, gradient boosting model, deep neural network)

Why explain?

  • Debugging
  • Feature Engineering
  • Collaborating with domain experts
  • Helping users understand when to trust a model

Image from: “Why Should I Trust You?”: Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier | Abstract

Feature Importance

  • We gave the model many features, but which ones did it use?
  • Simple approach: remove each feature and see how much the model’s performance decreases
    • but we’d have to retrain the model many times
    • if two features are correlated, removing one might not affect the model’s performance
  • Faster approach: permutation feature importance: scramble the values of each feature; how much does the model’s performance decrease?
  • But doesn’t fix the problem of correlated features

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Partial Dependence Plots

  • How does the model’s prediction change (in general) as we vary a feature?
  • Individual conditional expectation (ICE) plot: compute the prediction for each row in the test set as we vary a feature
  • Partial dependence plot: plot the average test-set prediction when we set a feature to a particular value; repeat for different values

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Local Explanations

  • For a particular prediction, which features were most important?
  • Might be different from the global feature importance
  • SHAP: Shapley values from game theory
    • intuition: How much would the prediction change if we removed each feature?

Predicting “Man of the Match” award in a soccer game:

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Local Explanations (LIME)

  • Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations
  • Train a simple model to approximate the black-box model’s predictions

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Interpretable Models

Instead of making a black-box model interpretable, we can use an interpretable model from the start.

Simple Models

  • Linear regression, logistic regression (with a small number of features and few interactions)
    • Lasso Regularization can help select a small number of features
  • Shallow decision trees
  • Naive Bayes
  • k-Nearest Neighbors

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Decision Rule Lists

  • A list of rules that can be used to make a prediction
  • Example: CORELS (Certifiably Optimal RulE ListS)

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Additive Risk Score Models: FIGS

Fast Interpretable Greedy Tree Sums (FIGS): website, paper. Train a collection of decision trees, where the prediction is the sum of the predictions from each tree.

Additive Risk Score Models: Risk Scorecards

ustunb/risk-slim: simple customizable risk scores in python

Fast and Interpretable Mortality Risk Scores for Critical Care Patients

Going Further