Class Meetings
DATA 202 Fall 2023
Week 5
- Q&A
- Quiz 2
- Exercise 5
- Please check in with me about your project
Week 6
- Q&A
- Reading 6 updated (actually includes ch7)
- Midterm project reminders
- Slides: joining tables
- Last 20 minutes: working on Exercise 5
- Q&A
- Slides: tidying
- Start Exercise 6
- Work on project
- Q&A
- When should quiz be?
- Exercise 6
- Work on project
Week 7
7.1 (Mon): class
- Exercise 6 Debugging
- Work on project
7.2 (Wed): class
- Some slides on tidying and visualizing
- Work on project
Friday: Fall Break
Week 8
Monday: Fall Break
Wednesday: Advising
8.3 (Fri): lab
- Quiz 3
- Project showcase
- Show your project to others in your row
- Give and receive suggestions
- Revise your project accordingly
Week 9
9.1 (Mon): Intro to ML
- Slides
- Activity: Teachable Machine
Referenced in class:
- The Shape of Actions
- ‘Good Grief, Apple’—John Piper’s Watch Mistakes His Preaching for a Hard Fall, Prompts Call to Emergency Services
- God’s covenants of predictable universe:
9.2 (Wed): ML
- Classification vs regression
- Workflow
Referenced in class:
- Ken Arnold (Calvin U) - Sentiment Bias in Predictive Text Recommendations Results in Biased Writing and an independent and better replication: Co-Writing with Opinionated Language Models Affects Users’ Views | Abstract
- Puppies Or Food? 12 Pics That Will Make You Question Reality | Bored Panda
- “Why Should I Trust You?”: Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier | Abstract
- See screenshots here
- Big data: the end of the scientific method? | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
9.3 (Fri) lab
- Exercise 9
- Suggestion: skip the EDA section at first, come back to it after training a model.
- Visit the Summer Research Poster Fair this afternoon 12:30-3:30pm in Science Building
Week 10
10.1 (Mon): Metrics and Trees
10.2 (Wed): Trees
- Slides: Trees.
- Make-your-own-tree activity
10.3 (Fri): lab
- Quiz 4
- Finish make-your-own-tree activity
- Exercise 10
Week 11
11.1 (Mon): Random Forests and Linear Models
Referenced in class:
- APGAR score: APGAR score | Wikipedia
- book: Reset by David Murray
- Psalm 127
11.2 (Wed): Bayesian Networks
- Slides
- Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari - “dataism”
- practicing the present presence of God, rather than representations that we can control but that are limited by interfaces
11.3 (Fri): Exercise on Bayesian Networks
Week 12
12.1 (Mon): Linear Regression and Classification
Things referenced:
- Philemon - reframing our relationships
12.2 (Wed): Classification and Cross-Validation
12.3 (Fri): Exercise 12
- Exercise
- No quiz today (sorry, didn’t get to prep it)
- Opportunity to discuss projects in class
Week 13
13.1 (Mon): LLMs
Week 14
14.1 (Mon): Unsupervised Learning
14.2 (Wed): Research Talks
- 8am section: Abraham Woubie
- 9:15am section: Ken Arnold
14.3 (Fri): Databases and SQL
- Quiz
- SQL Exercise: SQL Murder Mystery