Quarto Documents

Class Standards

Your qmd files should generally start like this:

title: "A title"
author: "Your name"
    embed-resources: true
    code-tools: true
    code-fold: true

#| echo: true
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
pd.options.plotting.backend = "plotly"

#| echo: false
# Hack to make plotly work in RStudio
if 'r' in globals() and r['.Platform$GUI'] == "RStudio" and r['suppressMessages(requireNamespace("htmltools"))']:
  r[".GlobalEnv$to_html <- function(x) { print(htmltools::HTML(x)) }"] and None
  def show_plot(p): r.to_html(p._repr_html_())
  def show_plot(p): return p

The embed-resources option makes the HTML file self-contained, so you can share it with others. The code-tools option adds a button to the top of the document that lets you run all the code chunks at once. The code-fold option lets you collapse code chunks in the document. (You may omit this option if you prefer to see all the code.)

Plotly works fine in Quarto rendered documents, but to have plots show up in the RStudio editor when you run a chunk, you’ll need to include that hack and surround your plot with show_plot().

You are not expected to understand this hack; just copy and paste it into your document.

Once this bug in RStudio is fixed we can remove this hack.

Chunk Options

#| echo: false
#| include: false
# This code won't get shown because echo is false.
x = 2
# but it still runs.
print("This output won't show because include is false")

Computations in Text

print out the Markdown you want to include in the document, and use the asis output option. Turn off echo so that the code isn’t included in the document.

Note: The hidden chunk shouldn’t do any non-obvious calculation. Do that in a different chunk and assign the result to a variable.

#| echo: false
num_rows = daily_rides.shape[0]
#| echo: false
#| output: asis
There are {num_rows} rows in the data frame.

Each row represents a day of data.
Some Python string tips

Triple-quoted strings (""") can span multiple lines. They can also have single quotes in them.

The format method on strings fills in {} blanks with the values of the named arguments. (You can also use f-strings (f"There are {num_rows} rows in the data frame.") if you know what those are.)